Cedric Tai


A calendar at the top of the steps at the Mackintosh Museum and a secretly planted book in the school's library were installed as part of the MFA interim show. The calendar was filled with 365 days of advice that had been given to me so far while attending the school and the book was non-descript but awarded the curious with it's unusual contents: a counter.
New City Space
New City Space
New City Space
New City Space
New City Space
New City Space
Prepared for the Moment
"Concept Structure Torture Survival Title" A solo show in New City Space which involved an installation, a video piece, a calendar, a performance and a lecture. In the images featuring a laser-cut version of Settlers of Catan artists were invited to play non-artists in a game to win prize money that was actually divided up evenly in case anyone felt particularly generous at the end of the game. An artist won, and he kept all of the money. The installation was a room sized spiralgraph that spread sawdust along the floor as it went around. The show reflected on the many parts of an artistic practice that tend towards extremes of either extroversion or introversion.